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Good gracious grass bodacious.

This week: a post-Thanksgiving compost bounty of potato and sweet potato peels, leeks, lemon, apple cores, garlic, onion, peppers, roses, carrots, avocado, coffee grounds, eggshells, grapes, broccoli stems, and probably other stuff I forgot. I wasn’t the only one cooking!

For winter composting, the dream is steam. Just like when they elect the Pope, a plume of white vapor above your compost signals that all continues as it should, that the ordained natural cycle processes into the next phase. More specifically, steam means the microbes in your compost are eating up the garbage and having sex with themselves and each other in a wild orgy of defiant life versus the creeping cold embrace of death, of anti-life. This orgy only happens in a reasonably warm, wet, chemically balanced, and aerated compost situation, which in turn makes it warmer and wetter. That’s what she said. About her compost.

Propriety aside, steamposting is “show nudes” for compost enthusiasts, as proven by a quick glance at steam pics in r/composting on Reddit. (Safe for work, at least at first.) I’ve yet to produce steamy compost because I’m too lazy to water and turn it as recommended, plus I’m only reluctantly modulating my greens and browns this season.

Though I’m jealous of those with steam, it’s probably wrongheaded to focus on what amounts to an effect rather than a cause when it comes to better compost hygiene. It’s not like I’d dope the compost bin just to produce a steamy pic for the forums! Ha ha ha! No, that would betray the trust of the community. I’m sure unsteamy compost happens to lots of people and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

A busy morning and week so just a quick extra bit: as a longtime fan of Chris Onstad’s Achewood, some time ago I found myself compelled to insert dialogue from one of his old strips onto an even older Peanuts strip, producing this one-shot of Achenuts. Inspired homage or weaksauce two-things joke? Only history can judge me!